Here is an estimated breakdown of the scooter savings so far:
2404 kilometers = 1494 miles.
1494 miles / 80 mpg = 18.675 gallons
18.675 gallons x $3.80 (estimated average) a gallon = $70.96 total gas expense
Truck Equivalent:
1494 miles / 22 mpg = 67.91 gallons
67.91 gallons x $3.80 a gallon = 258.09 total gas expense
Cost Difference:
$55/month (monthly payment) x 3 months = $165
$165 + $70.96 = $235.96 (total scooter cost)
So, as of right now, riding the scooter has saved me $23 dollars, over 3 months. So, imagine after I get it paid off! It will save me about $700 a year in fuel expense! That is worth having, if you ask me! So, the scooter was a good investment.
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